Ich greife mal unserem Don etwas unter die arme und Update mal auf den heutigen stand der Dinge:
Facebook-Kommentar von Captain Paul Watson
http://blog.migaloo.de/2013/02/19/opera ... -update-3/
News zu Operation Zero ToeranceModerator: Moderatoren
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Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceIch greife mal unserem Don etwas unter die arme und Update mal auf den heutigen stand der Dinge:
Facebook-Kommentar von Captain Paul Watson http://blog.migaloo.de/2013/02/19/opera ... -update-3/ Grüße Dante Kein GM mehr bitte nicht mehr anschreiben
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceLivestream aus der Antarkitis
Kopiert von der FB Seite SSCS Deutschland. In knapp 2 Stunden soll es wieder einen Livestream geben. Wir hoffen, es klappt. Sea Shepherd Deutschland: Bitte nicht entäuscht sein, wenn es nicht funktioniert. Die Bedingungen in der Antarktis ändern sich oft innerhalb kürzester Zeit! Sollte es klappen, wird von der Steve Irwin aus Live gesendet! http://seashepherd.ezearth.tv/
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceBREAKING NEWS !!!
Publiziert am 20. Februar 2013 von ThomasBuiter Die Nisshin Maru hat die Steve Irwin und die Bob Barker GERAMMT, doch beide Schiffe halten weiterhin ihre Position. In den Maschinenraum der Bob Barker dringt Wasser ein. Mehr bald. Kein GM mehr bitte nicht mehr anschreiben
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceSo wie versprochen kopiere ich mal alles zusammen was ich zum Vorfall finden kann.
Link zum Bericht auf der FB Seite von SSCS Deutschland: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=417969228292255&set=a.405031372919374.93712.122840724471775&type=1 Der Kampangenleiter Bob Brown ruft die Australische Navy auf einzuschreiten. (Auf Englisch) http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/brown-calls-for-navy-action-in-antarctica-20130220-2erat.html Eine Komentar von Paul Watson: http://media.theage.com.au/news/environment-news/whalers-and-activists-collide-4047831.html In diesem Video sieht man wie die Nishin die Schiffe rammt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgD-UimYKRw Ein bericht aus der Japan Daily Press: http://japandailypress.com/japans-whalers-call-on-netherlands-to-take-action-against-sea-shepherd-activists-1923649 Nachrichtenausschnitt von TVNZ: http://tvnz.co.nz/national-news/sea-shepherd-says-vessel-s-leak-controlled-after-ramming-5346789/video Und als Nachtrag ein Fotoalbum von der FB Seite von SSCS International: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151451282418259.502909.122102628258&type=1
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceDanke das du so schnell was rausgesucht hast. bin mal gespannt wie es weiter geht.
Kein GM mehr bitte nicht mehr anschreiben
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceQuelle : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... 775&type=1
Sea Shepherd Deutschland ***BREAKING NEWS*** NISSHIN MARU RAMMT SÜDKOREANISCHEN TREIBSTOFFTANKER, SAM SIMON, STEVE IRWIN UND BOB BARKER 20. Februar 2013 – Melbourne, Australien – Die Sea Shepherd-Schiffe Bob Barker und Steve Irwin wurden von der Nisshin Maru, dem gewaltigen Fabrikschiff der japanischen Walfangflotte, gerammt. Das schwimmende Schlachthaus hat die achtfache Masse der Steve Irwin. Die Bob Barker und die Steve Irwin waren hinter der Sun Laurel, die Steve Irwin auf Backbord und die Bob Barker auf Steuerbord. Über Lautsprecher forderte die Shonan Maru No. 2 das unter australischer Flagge fahrende Sea Shepherd-Schiff Sam Simon, die sich im Australischen Antarktis-Territorium aufhielt, dazu auf, diese Gewässer auf Befehl der japanischen Regierung zu verlassen. Die Crew der Nisshin Maru warf Blendgranaten auf die Bob Barker und die Steve Irwin. Captain Peter Hammarstedt funkte die Nisshin Maru an, um ihr mitzuteilen, dass die Bob Barker Kurs und Geschwindigkeit beibehalten werde und dass die moralische und rechtliche Verpflichtung, eine Kollision zu vermeiden, bei der Nisshin Maru liege. Die Nisshin Maru wendete und näherte sich von Steuerbord. Sie kollidierte fast mit der Bob Barker, bevor sie sich der Steve Irwin zuwandte und das Heck des Sea Shepherd-Schiffs rammte. Die Nisshin Maru behielt ihren Kollisionskurs bei und rammte die Steve Irwin auf Backbord. Dann rammte die Nisshin Maru die Bob Barker. Die Steve Irwin erhöhte ihre Geschwindigkeit, um der Nisshin Maru zu entgehen. Die Bob Barker nahm daraufhin die Position der Steve Irwin auf der Backbordseite der Sun Laurel ein. Die Steve Irwin fuhr in einem Kreis zurück, woraufhin die Nisshin Maru die Bob Barker rammte und auf die Sun Laurel schob, so dass die Bob Barker zwischen beiden Schiffen eingeklemmt war. Die Nisshin Maru fiel daraufhin hinter die Bob Barker zurück und rammte mit voller Geschwindigkeit das Heck der Sun Laurel auf Backbord. Dabei zerstörte sie deren Rettungsboot auf Backbord sowie den Davit, der das andere Rettungsboot hätte zu Wasser zu lassen können. Dann rammte die Nisshin Maru die Bob Barker erneut von hinten und zerstörte dabei eines der Radarsysteme sowie alle Masten. Die Bob Barker hatte einen kompletten Stromausfall und das Schiff setzte einen Mayday-Notruf ab. Daraufhin wendete sich die Nisshin Maru ab und floh Richtung Norden. Bob Brown, der frühere Senator und Co-Kampagnenleiter von Sea Shepherd Australien, hat die australische Regierung über das mehrmalige Verletzen von internationalen Gesetzen durch die japanischen Walfänger informiert und bestand darauf, Tokio aufzufordern, seine Schiffe aus dieser Region, nördlich von Australiens Casey Base abzuziehen und die schwerwiegende Missachtung von australischen und internationalen Gesetzen zu unterlassen. Er sagte, die australische Marine sollte entsandt werden, um das Gesetz wiederherzustellen. Derzeit wird die Sun Laurel von der Sea Shepherd-Flotte Richtung Norden eskortiert, da sie über keine Notfallgeräte zur Lebensrettung mehr verfügt und sich in den potenziell gefährlichen Gewässern des Südpolarmeeres aufhält. Der Direktor von Sea Shepherd Australien, Jeff Hansen, sagte: "Die Nisshin Maru hat so etwas wie Fahrerflucht auf hoher See begangen. Sie rammte die Sun Laurel, brachte sie dadurch in große Gefahr und ließ sie dann einfach im Stich." Alle Schiffe fahren Richtung Norden, wobei die illegalen Wal-Wilderer aus Japan zwei Meilen vor der Sea Shepherd-Flotte sind. Alle drei Sea Shepherd-Schiffe wurden gerammt, wobei die Bob Barker dabei die schwersten Schäden erlitt. Die Stromversorgung der Bob Barker wurde wiederhergestellt. Glücklicherweise wurde kein Crewmitglied verletzt. Die Crews erfüllten ihre Mission, das Auftanken zu verhindern und werden weiterhin die Wale im Walschutzgebiet verteidigen. Edit Dante: 2 Bilder dazu Copiright : 2/2 Bildern Sea Shepert
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceLieder noch auf Englisch sobald die Deutsche übersezung da ist gebe ich sie weiter
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-02-20/j ... es/4530854 Kein GM mehr bitte nicht mehr anschreiben
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceWollen wir mal hoffen das die Japaner wirklich nach Hause Fahrn. Daumen drück!
Re: News zu Operation Zero ToeranceLeider weiterhin auf Englisch sobald die deutsche Version verfügbar ist ersetze ich diese dann:
Japanese Road Rage in Hostile Waters Leads to Shutting Down Whaling Operations By Captain Paul Watson The captain of the Japanese factory ship Nisshin Maru lost his temper, and unfortunately road rage with an 8,000 ton ship in remote waters amongst icebergs and ice packs can be somewhat intimidating, as we all learned very dramatically today. Where to begin? I don’t think we have ever had a more eventful few hours in the nine years we have been opposing the whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and certainly there has never been a day when all of our ships were rammed one after another. It is also the first time we have ever been rammed by the Nissin Maru, and to top it all off, the Japanese factory ship four times rammed and damaged their own supply tanker, the Sun Laurel. I am sure the Japanese will justify the ramming of four ships on the high seas as accidental, after all nothing down here in the Southern Whale Sanctuary ever seems to be their fault. But how did this all begin? It began when the Sun Laurel deliberately ventured south of Sixty Degrees, entering the Antarctic Treaty Zone with a cargo of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) for the Nisshin Maru. It is illegal to bring HFOs into the protected waters of Antarctica, and also illegal to transfer heavy fuel oil to another ship. The refueling operation was planned to happen yesterday but the three Sea Shepherd ships, the Sam Simon, the Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin, had taken up positions around the Sun Laurel to block any approach by the Nisshin Maru. At 0230 Hours, in darkness, the Nisshin Maru and the Panamanian-registered tanker Sun Laurel ventured into a thick ice pack in an attempt to shake off the Sea Shepherd ships. This was not a responsible move. The Sun Laurel is not an ice class vessel and has no business taking such a dangerous cargo into an ice pack. The Sea Shepherd ships held their position, making it difficult for the Nisshin Maru to come alongside their tanker. The Sun Laurel was advised that they could refuel the Nisshin Maru north of Sixty degrees South. The Nisshin Maru insisted, however, that the factory ship be refueled illegally some 360 miles south of Sixty Degrees. At 1020 Hours the Nisshin Maru moved closer to the stern of the Sun Laurel as the three Japanese harpoon vessels began to circle with their water cannons shooting towards the Sea Shepherd ships. They were joined by a fourth Japanese vessel, the Shonan Maru #2, their armed security ship, the same ship that had rammed and destroyed the New Zealand-flagged Ady Gil in 2010. The Nisshin Maru moved in still closer, with three harpoon vessels closing in on the port quarter of the Steve Irwin. At 1050 Hours, with the Sun Laurel pushing through thick ice, the Nisshin Maru shortened the distance between their bow and the stern of the Steve Irwin. The Nisshin Maru kept edging closer in an effort to intimidate the Sea Shepherd Ships and it was indeed intimidating. The Nisshin Maru towered above our ships at ten times the size. At 1227 Hours, the Bosun on the tanker Sun Laurel warned the Nisshin Maru to stop because they were dangerously close, but the factory ship continued to move closer, pinching the Steve Irwin between their massive hull and the side of the tanker. The Bob Barker then moved into position to defend the Steve Irwin and attempted to block the Japanese poaching ship. As this was happening, crew on the Nisshin Maru were throwing concussion grenades and hitting both the Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin with powerful water cannons. At 12:56 Hours, the Nisshin Maru came up behind the Steve Irwin, hitting the Sea Shepherd vessel twice, once on the port stern, and again on the port side, damaging the helicopter deck and pushing the Steve Irwin towards the Sun Laurel. The Bob Barker moved into the breach to allow the Steve Irwin to get out of the way of the Nisshin Maru’s massive bow. The Bob Barker then came under attack from concussion grenades and high-powered water cannons, causing a huge cloud of steam to engulf half the ship and drift over to the Nisshin Maru, who then directed their water cannons to flood the exhaust ports of the main engine. Co-Campaign Leader Bob Brown had ordered that the Sea Shepherd crew not retaliate with stink bombs, paintballs or propeller-fouling lines. The crew complied with those instructions and thus could take no measures to dissuade the attack of the Nisshin Maru. They could only to hold their ground to the best of their ability. The Nisshin Maru moved to cut off the Bob Barker and instead struck the stern of the tanker Sun Laurel. They hit it four times, crushing a liferaft and damaging the davit in for their primary lifeboat. They also inflicted damage on the Sun Laurel’s superstructure and hull. “This kind of reckless maneuvering around a fully laden tanker is unthinkable,” said Bob Barker 1st Officer Carlos Bueno, 47, of Spain. “The Nisshin Maru captain was so intent on hitting the Bob Barker that he was willing to damage the tanker and risk an oil spill to get to us. It was incredible.” The Nisshn Maru opened the gap between the Sun Laurel and the Bob Barker, and slammed into the starboard side of the Sea Shepherd Ship while still scraping the port side of the tanker Sun Laurel. The massive bow of the Nisshin Maru towered over the decks of the Bob Barker. From my vantage point on the other side of the Sun Laurel, I could see the Bob Barker heeling hard over to port at forty five degrees as the imposing black bow of the Nisshin Maru toppled the aft mast, destroying the radar and crushing the running lights. The monkey deck was buckled and the helicopter deck twisted as the Bob Barker’s engineers reported water pouring into the engine room. Suddenly the Bob Barker lost all power. Captain Peter Hammaerstedt of Sweden, 28, could hear the metal ripping on the deck above the wheel-house as the aft mast was toppled and the ship began to heel over. “He was going to roll us, the Nisshin Maru was pushing and we were helpless,” said Captain Hammarstedt. “I tried to keep my footing and I was able to issue a May Day. If he had pushed any more, his massive weight would certainly have capsized us. But she broke off and the huge anchor swung against us like a wrecking ball.” “It was a frightening experience,” added Oona Layolle of France, 29, the 2nd Officer on the Bob Barker. “Another foot lower and the anchor would have torn into the wheelhouse. Instead it ripped through the starboard running lights crushing the glass and steel. The monkey deck looked like a bomb had hit it.” The Nisshin Maru backed off when they heard the distress call and the Bob Barker immediately began damage control. The flow of water was halted within 15 minutes and the engineers brought power back on within a half hour, giving the ship the ability to get underway. The radar and starboard running lights were destroyed. “It was unbelievable,” said Steve Irwin Bosun’s Mate, Sonia Hyppänen of Finland, 29. “The Nisshin Maru rolled over the Bob Barker like a tank crushing a car after they rammed their own tanker. This has been the most irresponsible seamanship that I have ever seen. They are being aggressively reckless and they are acting like there will be no consequences for their actions.” And there probably will not be any consequences. In 2010, the Shonan Maru #2 deliberately rammed and destroyed the New Zealand-flagged trimaran Ady Gil. They then refused to cooperate with New Zealand investigators and were not penalized. The Nissin Maru had earlier attempted to intimidate the Australian-flagged ship Sam Simon. They struck the ship on the stern and through their loudspeakers had the audacity to order the Australian ship away from Australian Territorial waters, “by order of the Government of Japan.” “It is as if they are declaring sovereignty over our territorial waters,” said Steve Irwin Quartermaster Elissa Sursara, 25, of the Gold Coast of Queensland. During the collision, one of the Filipino seaman on the Sun Laurel tossed a bottle to one of the Sea Shepherd crew in an inflatable small boat. The note read: “To Research ship, Please: ‘May Day’ ‘Help’ All crew did not know to this Antarctic trip. So all crew don’t like to supply this fishing vessels. We cannot use telephone so we cannot speak to IMO. Please you as soon as possible take action. Thank you.” They also included a note with a directive from their Captain saying that they could not telephone from their ship from January 20 to February 28th. The crew had many young, scared seamen, who did not know they were going to Antarctica, and wanted no part of the Japanese Whaling Fleet. Some of the crew on the Bob Barker tossed 6 Sea Shepherd crew T-shirts to the Sun Laurel crew and cheered when the Filipino crew put them on and gave the Bob Barker thumbs up. All three Sea Shepherd ships had held their positions and the illegal refueling of the Nisshin Maru was prevented. The evening came to a close as the Sun Laurel headed north, away from the Nisshin Maru with the Sea Shepherd ship Sam Simon escorting them to safety. The Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin continue to tail the Nisshin Maru as it heads west. All the harpoon vessels and the government security vessel Shonan Maru #2 have scattered, and the entire whaling fleet looks to be in complete disarray. Will they try again tomorrow? Possibly, but most likely not. By all appearances the Sun Laurel is acting like they have had enough and may be heading home. The best news of all came with the announcement that the Institute for Cetacean Research has called a temporary halt to all whaling operations. It may well be over for this season, and hopefully we will not have to return next season if the Japanese whalers decide to finally respect the integrity and the sanctity of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Grüße Dante Kein GM mehr bitte nicht mehr anschreiben
Re: News zu Operation Zero Toeranceich glaubb bald gibts was zufeiern
Japanese Fisheries Agency has declared that they have "temporarily" suspended their Antarctic whale hunt for the season. In the past few years, this has marked the end of the season. Quelle : https://www.facebook.com/#!/seashepherd ... ionsociety
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